Rockem Sockem

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For I am not sure how many years now we have been hitting Landsdowne Road on 10th Ave in Hell's Kitchen for Opening Day baseball. Not the fake opening nights or Australian excursions the real opening days when the Reds kick things off by playing at noon…wait the Reds played at 4 today?!?! Keyrist baseball facks up everything.
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Anyways, thanks to some of the Rockem boys and extended Rockem Families for showing up, Bull, Tom, Don, Mike (long distance) and myself were there for most of the day while Choy and Lindsey joined later after the Mets Bullpen blew a heartbreaker as Bobby Parnell blew out his arm. Allison's brother showed up and told some story about a crack dealer and Macho Man/Ultimate Warrior pillow fight…anyone else remember this? We got some pics (not of the Pillow Fight):

2014_opening_day.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/26 10:55 by